A Call to Action: The Destructions We Didn’t Notice are Going on in the Philippines and What We Filipinos Can Do About It Today
Home to over a hundred million Filipinos, life in the Philippines unknown to many goes with hard to swallow realities. Behind the beauties of nature lies a culture of madness. With politicians always onto heated debates aired on national television, recurring problems the people is facing, meanwhile, are often neglected, ignored, and never even talk about. And mind this. Even the usual news about drugs, criminality, and corruption, some local authorities pretend to be deaf and dumb. Why not we talk about some of these problems up close and personal? After all, the resolution of these issues is for our common good – we the Filipinos. Here is my premise. The words of mouth of the local folks, let them be heard. Not the scripted topics on afternoon news but the conversation that airs around the barangays, towns, cities, and communities, let’s bring them up as topics in this timely post. Coupled with what I am hearing and seeing, I would like to express my honest opinion about each problem...