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About this Photo

This cover photo is captured from inside a popular restaurant in Cavite, Philippines. This is what best describes Filipinos real identity. In the early days, Filipinos gather for a simple celebration after a tiresome harvest season of palay, root crops and vegetables in the fields. There you see a couple dancing in the tune of "Tinikling" - a native dance using bamboo. Filipinos are wearing their traditional "barot' saya" for the ladies and "barong" for the gentlemen during such festivities.

The restaurant serves lechon, a native dish in the Philippines which is simply a grilled pig. Nowadays, this celebration is rarely observed in the fields, but only during town fiesta and special private gatherings. However, the fiesta or feast of the saints tradition which was introduced by the Spaniard is still there - as colorful and lively as always. Almost every city and town in the Philippines celebrates its fiesta with a twist, quite far from the traditional way that is depicted in this photo. 

The Meaning of "Project Pilipinas"

In my more than 20 years observation and analysis of my country Philippines, I could certainly say that there are many wrong doings happening around. From the smallest up to the biggest aspect of the society, I firmly believe and stand that there is something wrong that needs to be changed. I started this blog on 2011, being the start of my personal campaign to bring positive changes in this country of the Filipinos.

My ambition to change this country is big, but I commit no big promises that I can achieve this ambition alone. But at least through these words I am sharing on this blog, I am hoping that people will hear me and then do their part in making the Philippines a nation of the proud Filipinos. This is my project to the Philippines. Having this creative mind the Creator provided me, I strongly believe that when Filipinos start to collaborate in re-building this nation, the CHANGE I am aiming for will happen.

This blog is about the people, culture, places, events, traditions, and many other things about the Philippines - good or bad, heard or unheard. Coupled with my ambition to change this country is to also introduce it as country of beauty and hope - a must-visit place on the face of this planet.

Why Do I Blog?

I blog for I want change.

I have a mission and it's about helping the Filipinos. You can see on my blog posts how sincere I am in fulfilling this mission. There are many Filipinos that needs our help. Whether it is about ignorance, unfortunate events, sufferings from abuse and corrupt practices, calamities, failures in life or tragic moments, obviously, they need help. I might be young and not have enough funds, time and resources to fulfill my goals of helping others but at least thru my blogs, I am able to tell people who have enough that helping those who are in need is the best thing they can do today.

I am encouraging you to help this country - the Philippines. This is a big part of my mission, to find you and convince you to help the Filipinos on your own little ways. Whether you are an individual, an organization, a global icon or just somebody who have enough, I am begging you to help my dear countrymen - the Filipinos. Many are crying because of wars, starvation, lack of freedom, lack of education and abuse, FIND them and HELP them. It would be great if you would teach them sustainable ways in improving their lives.

You too can a be a part of the GOOD change in this country.

How Did this Blog Comes to Life?

The First Cover Photo of this Blog Site
From this photo of mine and the nature is where everything started.

This photo was taken last April 2011 at Hundred Islands in Alaminos, Pangasinan, Philippines. I was so impressed with the beauty of these tiny islands, about 123 of them. My wife and I chose to spend our one day trip at the Quezon Island. The rock where I am sitting is the summit point of this island. The island was named after Manuel L. Quezon and right in front of me is his monument. I requested my wife to take this photo simply because the background is so beautiful. For readers who is first time to know about Hundred Islands, you can visit the blog There Exists the Hundred Islands and They're Beautiful that I wrote about it.

Blogging really gives me peace of mind most especially when I am putting beautiful places like this into words. But deeper to that, I also can see ugliness in the way people treat the environment. From virgin forests or islands, years or decades after they are becoming commercialized and protection oftentimes become the last thing in mind. Look at Manila now and tens of other cities in the Philippines. If there is a song that could best describe the ruining of the Philippines environment, that would be the song from Asin "Masdan mo ang Kapaligiran".

This is the photo that will serve as my inspiration to continue to write, to blog, for seeking and implementing good changes in this country. Be it politics, economics, social, spiritual, culture, tradition, personal well-being, education, or learning, it is obvious that there is something that needs to be changed.

About the Blogger 

Noriel Tejada Panganiban

Blogging is my passion and so is working hard to achieve my goals. I am here to help you.

My name is Noriel Panganiban and I am the founder of this blog site and - an education website. 
My ability to write blog articles is a big credit from my work experiences and educational background.

Career and Education
My more than 10 years combined work experience as a freelance internet marketer and technical writer on several online companies, and procurement engineer and inventory management supervisor in multinational semiconductor and telecommunication companies highly motivated me to become a consultant and writer on matters related to these business fields.

I am a graduate of Bachelor of Science in Electronics and Communications Engineering (BSECE) in Batangas State University, the Philippines. I am a diverse type of person – blogger, athlete, singer, pet lover, web designer, article writer, home designer, nature lover, and more. I read articles on HowStuffWorks, eHow, Investopedia, Forbes, Wikipedia and National Geographic magazines - useful resources for me as a writer. Reading business eBooks is one of my past times - I have huge collection of these and I am very much willing to share them to the interested. With the help of these materials, you will learn a lot of things from me and I can guarantee that.

Practicing the Business Consultant role, my expertise revolves around Business Blogging, Technical Writing, Internet Marketing (IM) and Supply Chain Management (SCM). I managed to integrate all these business aspects into this website,

Brief Life Story

I was born in a town called Taysan in the province of Batangas, Philippines. As young as five, I am already helping my grandmother in her small business - selling "kakanin", "laing", and fruits and vegetables. From Batangas, she used to go to Manila every Sunday to sell. During Saturdays, I am one of her helpers. I help her in preparing her "paninda" or products. From climbing tress to get mangoes, to getting firewood, to manually producing coconut milk, to cooking "suman", to transporting her  products as early as 3AM, I am there to help her.

Due to poverty, I was together with my uncles, father, grandfather, and a few carpenters and field workers to earn some extra cash as my "baon" at school. I experienced planting and harvesting rice and corn. I remember climbing a tall mango tree as young as ten just to get a hundred bucks to finance my school projects.

During college days, I was lucky to become a DOST scholar but at the same time unlucky because life is really to hard to get to college and earn a degree. There were days when I cannot resist sharing a portion of my scholarship fund to my family. Worst case happened when I got terminated from the scholarship on my fourth year. I have to work as a part-time waiter back then.

Life is unfair but we have to get over it. Patience is always a virtue. In times of troubles, there is a God you can always call upon. These are just some of the motto I keep in life. Life struggles made me stronger. I am a fighter on my own cause.

I strongly believe that Filipinos can still make the Philippines a first-world country. Hence, this blog site came to life. I want to inspire others with my words as much as I want everyone to learn more to be able to live their lives to the fullest. Explore more this blog site and learn more about me and my vision for the Philippines.

Contact Details
You can follow me on Google+ / Facebook / Twitter / SkillPages / LinkedIn.

Contac t me at and at mobile # +63 928 975 8114 if you have questions and concerns. I am willing to help you and your business in any way possible.


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