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Showing posts from 2013

The Solutions to the Problems in the Philippines – an Appeal for Help from People Like You

If I would become the political adviser of the Philippine president, I would propose to him solutions on how to resolve the problems and issues happening in this country. But if I would not become one, I will continue to become an adviser if not to the president then to the people. Manila, Philippines There are hundreds of problems the government of the Philippines is facing today and even in the past. Some of them can be considered solved while some are not. Some problems are recurring while others are permanent and therefore the solutions are only temporary. However, it is worth commending on how the current government is responding to the needs of time of the Filipino people. Ads by ProjectPilipinas Click Image to Learn More The rise of the Philippine Stock Exchange index is a valid proof that several economic measures are taking effect. The legal measures are showing results in the sense that the fight against corruption is not a “ningas-kugon” platform. The call...

Corruption Kills Filipino People - Let's End Corruption in the Beautiful Country Philippines

I had been blogging for about five years already and I could not see that much change on the photos of people, places, and events that I am capturing and using on my articles. From my hometown in the province of Batangas going to the city of Manila, aside from the slightly improved expressways, everything seems to be the same as what they are five years ago. When I wrote “ The Truth that Liars Know: the Highways to Poverty ” back in 2011, there has always been a time for me to think again on the reasons why I wrote such an article whenever I traverse these SLEX and EDSA highways. These highways have been my path in the past fifteen years whenever I go back and forth to this city of Manila from my hometown, country side destinations, and current residence in Cavite. I can still remember the days when I was working as a part-time waiter in a food catering company in Batangas City.  Each week, we are heading towards Manila via SLEX where our next function or project is about to...

Run-for-a-Cause: Does it Really Care About the Philippine’s Environment?

Why do we have floods in many parts of Metro Manila during rainy and typhoon months? Why is there smog in the skyline of Metro Manila even on ordinary days? In many provinces in the Philippines, why are there sudden flash floods, landslides, and fish kills on lakes and rivers? These are some of the questions that arise when the after-negative-effects are already felt by the citizens of the Philippines. When death toll is horribly a huge number, people start complaining and blaming one another. Of course, the sympathy is there for those who have lost their love ones. The “bayanihan” is always there. On the Photos: People Running and Biking in Clean Environments Environmental tragedies, whether big or small, are undeniably happening in this country every year. Philippines is visited by more than 20 typhoons each year. The huge number of casualties, damage to properties, and impact to natural resources are always there. But, isn’t pollution that is the main culprit on these environmenta...

Ignorance of the Law: Chasing for Changes in the Country of the Kayumangging-Kaligatan

Is it the responsibility of every Filipino to know the laws being implemented in the land or should it be the government’s duty to inform the Filipinos about the laws that they are implementing? Say that it is the former that must happen, then how can every Filipino knows all these laws? If it is then the later, then is the government fulfilling its duty and is it effective? What’s clear today in the Philippines is that many are violating the basic laws of the streets and of the offices. There is a high level of complaints among common Filipinos when it comes to the integrity and quality of services of government employees. Traffic rules are among of the most violated rules in Metro Manila. Lack of discipline in the roads, parks, and subdivision communities is dominant. Many Filipinos do not know the laws or they know them but they never obey. On the Photos: Typical Street Life in the Philippines On these photos, you will see the lack of discipline, wrong doings, violations of traffi...