Re-post: As the Philippines National/Senatorial and Local elections will be held on May 13, 2019, I think it is good to remind Filipinos once again the essence and flow of elections in the country. Local or national elections, not much of a difference if its about our culture of voting. Choose the right candidate, vote him or her. And with this post, you can be guided. Today is the right time to again exercise our rights as a Filipino. Candidates have already introduced themselves. You roughly have the ideas who tells the truth and who's giving the lies. Your today and your future depends on these officers who will take the seat in the senate, municipal office and the house. Vote buying may feed you today or in a week, but remember you will live in 3 to 6 years while the people you voted is in the seat. Remember, corruption kills Filipino people. So think! Will you be still alive 3 or 6 years from now? Vote wisely Filipinos! Suffrage is the right to vote. With over 54 million...