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Philippines: The Land of the Greatest Filipino Artists in the World - Part 1

On this week’s blog, I will bring you to an art gallery you’ve most likely never seen before. This gallery exhibits the Philippines as a nation of great sculptors, painters, and designers. I will give each photo my own title and a bit of description but then let the arts speak for themselves.  Just relax and enjoy. Let me walk you through to the gallery now. "Dining Set Up Above" The wooden chair is a perfect seat to eat. This is a restaurant on the 5th floor of a building where you can experience a great view of the city. "Romantic Dining Hall" The light shines just right on this dining place made of wood, bamboo and recycled crafts. Have you noticed the old drum? "Painted Sculptures of a Tribe" A tribe is on its way to a big hunting adventure. Native houses are in a community nearby green mountains. Guava and an eggplant-like curving looks amazing. "Unknown Bamboo Craft"  Quite hard to figure out what this ...

Deeper Stories You Need to Understand Behind Photos of Philippine Animals

Do you love pets or do you care about the animals? This post is not only for animal lovers, but for people who wants to hear awakening animal stories. You may find a moral story here that could influence your life and so I am encouraging you to read this post up until the last word. There is an interesting thought that I would like to connect on every animal photo you’ll see here. Now, let me talk a little bit about each photo. "Dog in the Bushes" I bet you can see it – the dog. We love dogs, many of us. This photo was taken on a grassy area along the street where we parked our vehicle during one of our trips in Cavite, Philippines . At first look, everything seems to be normal. The dog is just there, sitting and watching. But after a while, there’s another dog nearby eating something. This dog in the photo looks hungry but the other dog doesn’t want to share him even a small bite. We then realized those dogs were actually friends and they’re both patiently waiting...

Cool Things You Need to Know (and Experience Now) About the Philippines – Part 2

As promised, there will part 2 of this post. For those of you who haven’t yet read part 1, here is the link. Now to continue with, here’s another batch of cool things the Philippines have for you. Whether you’re a local or a tourist, this post is something worth to bookmark and shared about. Let’s continue. Jeepneys and Tricycles You’ve probably seen those crazy guys sitting on the top load of a running jeepney somewhere in the mountainous areas here in the Philippines. Well, it’s their happiness to experience that adventure once on their lifetime. But it’s cool, isn’t it? Jeeps or jeepneys are everywhere in the country and it is in fact the cheapest means of transport here. If you’ve been into Manila or any city in the country, there is no way you cannot see these colorful and overly-decorated vehicles. Needless to mention the features, but the face-to-face 10-12-seater benches, the eye-catch...