The price of rice, vegetables, meat, poultry, and fish, among other Filipinos daily basic needs, keeps on rising. What is going on in the Philippines today? Rice and eggs, typical Filipino meal I think that same question is your question too. During my elementary days, I used to sing a song about rice and a part of the song goes like this... Bawat butil ng bigas na mailigpit... Ligaya rin natin kapag nagigigpit... Kumain ka ng husto at magtipid... (Every grain of rice that is consumed... Our happiness when we are on crisis... Eat well and be thrifty...) I can feel it and I am not numb to not see how the Filipinos are perishing to this crisis of the time. Rice, which our very own country produced, is so expensive that the lower class Filipino citizens can no longer afford to buy them. But if one cannot understand how rising global oil prices affects the inflation rate in the country, then to the simplest way, this blog will attempt to explain why importation of ...