This is a view of the Pasig River and the nearby Arroceros Forest Park. The river was declared biologically dead in the 90's while the forest is dubbed today as the "last lung" of Manila. My love for nature and the environment is something that I want to keep to myself as much as possible. But since I have this ambition to help my co-Filipinos in improving their lives, who am I not to share my visions in protecting and caring the nature surrounding the nation. It is for us. Well, I am planting vegetables and medicinal plants the whole year round. In simple ways, I am helping the butterflies, birds, insects and worms experience the supposedly cycle of life they were brought in this planet for. And my neighborhood, maybe, just maybe, a little percentage of the air they’re breathing is filtered by the plants we have in our mini garden. My Mini Gardens. Planting is a hobby of mine and my wife. It makes our hands wet and dirty but also our weekends very relaxi...