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Save the Philippine Nature and Environment Starting with Pasig River, Manila Bay and Boracay

This is a view of the Pasig River and the nearby Arroceros Forest Park. The river was declared biologically dead in the 90's while the forest is dubbed today as the "last lung" of Manila. My love for nature and the environment is something that I want to keep to myself as much as possible. But since I have this ambition to help my co-Filipinos in improving their lives, who am I not to share my visions in protecting and caring the nature surrounding the nation. It is for us.  Well, I am planting vegetables and medicinal plants the whole year round. In simple ways, I am helping the butterflies, birds, insects and worms experience the supposedly cycle of life they were brought in this planet for. And my neighborhood, maybe, just maybe, a little percentage of the air they’re breathing is filtered by the plants we have in our mini garden. My Mini Gardens. Planting is a hobby of mine and my wife. It makes our hands wet and dirty but also our weekends very relaxi...

The 100 Million Filipinos and Our Basic Rights in the Philippines

We have the right to education, healthcare, security, good services and affordable quality products, among others. But do we understand really the extent of our rights to these things as a Filipino citizen? And our duty to abide by the laws of the land and to promote democracy, are we aware of that? Our privilege or special right to something, do we care about it? It is our right to use or access public roads. These workers are improving the roads at the expense of the people, from the Road User's Tax. It is our right to practice our religious beliefs in a peaceful and orderly manner. The police authorities are there to guide us in exercising this basic right.  It was Abraham Lincoln, former president of the United States of America, who in one of his speeches said this: “…that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.” I remember these same words quoted by Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte in one of his spee...

The Guide for Modern Filipinos in Improving their Lives in the Philippines

A Lemonaid Stand Business in a Shopping Mall - a simple but profitable business model. This signifies that any business, provided there is knowledge, strategy and dedication for it, will succeed. This 2019, I would like to write a post in "Pilipino" language or the native "tagalog" dialect, for this is the year that I would like to extend the reach of my personal campaign of helping my fellow Filipinos in improving their personal lives. This is also yet another year that I would take more sacrifices just for my voice about positive changes in the country to be heard across the four corners of the Philippines, if not the world. Here is that post: - x -  Ang Gabay Pilipino ka? OFW, tambay, may-bahay, empleyado, part-time ang trabaho,ex-convict, retired na, na-layoff, maganda na ang kita pero gusto pa umasenso? Makinig ka kababayan at baka ito na ang magmumulat sayo sa katotohan. "The Guides" - books that I wrote that can help you on...