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The Story of Puerto Princesa Underground River in Palawan, the Philippines

It all started with 261 nominees in 2007. It was later on trimmed down to 77 in 2009. On July of the same year, there were only 28 finalists in the “New 7 Wonders of Nature” contest founded by Bernard Weber, a Swiss film maker and museum curator. Officially, on November 11, 2011, the new 7 wonders of nature were declared and the Puerto Princesa Underground River was one of them. It was another huge success for the Filipinos! Take a look on these amazing photos of the Puerto Princesa Underground River and let you be the judge if it truly deserves to be one of the "New 7 Wonders of Nature". Before we proceed further, you may want to know: “How the 28 finalists were chosen?” There are actually 7 panel of experts selected by the New 7 Wonders Charter. They are: Prof. Dr. Federico Mayor Zaragoza – Spain Dr. John Francis – USA Simon King – Kenya Ana Paula Tavares – Brazil Bernard Weber – Switzerland Rex Weyler – Canada Prof. Dr. Jan Zima – Czech Republic After selecting the...

The Two Faces of the Philippines: Beauty of Architectural Wonders and Madness of Culture and Traditions

Philippines is a beautiful country. This is how the patriotic Filipinos are going to defend their homeland to whatever negative criticisms are they in the face of this planet. Lots of compelling and rich-content books, novels, blogs and documentaries have been written and released about this country. However, it still becoming a mind-game for many Filipinos and even foreigners on why this is still a poor country. You might probably have your own explanation about this sad truth and so are the many eyes enjoying the architectural wonders that are everywhere in this Pearl of the Orient Seas. Might be you first time to see these wonders or they could have been something that you are just ignoring due to your very busy days at work. Let's visit some of them on this article. Pasay Rotonda in EDSA There are foot bridges in this part of EDSA where the MRT and LRT stations are linking together. Buses, jeepneys, motorcycles and taxis are passing by on this very busy highway everyday. The...