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Filipinos Need Free Education: Why Can't it be Given? - (A Project for the Filipinos Update)

Update: With this personal project, that never actually materialized, I was able to create - a FREE EDUCATION portal for all. And I am on my way to make it happen more. I am still taking chances that this project goal will happen someday - for the sake of the street children and poor people at least.

Everyday, you can see a lot of kids running on the streets of Manila. That is actually one of the many places where poverty, hunger, ignorance, and hopeless dreams can be literally seen in this country Philippines. Go to the provinces, towns, and barangays anywhere in the country and you will see the same sceneries.

Everyday, You Will See Kids Jumping on Jeepneys to Ask for Money - They Need Your HELP

At about 100 million and growing, what is the hope for Filipinos to become free from these plagues of times?

Could it be education that will liberate people from poverty? Learning how to plant seeds, how to look for source of foods or living, how to apply for jobs, how to do certain things needed in the changing industry, how to avoid doing evil things, calibrate oneself to delve professionally with the business world; aren't these needed for this country to progress and meet the first world dream?

Why not we educate them - for FREE?

An Appeal for Your Help
Dear readers, visitors, friends, ladies and gentlemen, I would like to invite you to support my project on delivering FREE EDUCATION to the helpless Filipinos in the Philippines, my homeland.

I would like to launch this project on the summer months in the Philippines, provided that my target goals and objectives have been met. I am encouraging you to read my story behind this ambition. Below are the details of my plans for this project. I am appealing to you to back my project. I need you to trust me that I would execute this with passion and humility when enough funds are collected.

Please read my project story and thank you for your time.

They Should be in the School and not on the Streets - They Need Your HELP

Why free education is needed by the Filipinos?
You've probably seen how bad the Philippines is today when it comes to the standard of living and quality of life. There is poverty and ignorance everywhere, literally. What’s more sad is that the government cannot fully accommodate the demand for quality education.

The price of education is becoming more and more expensive each year. Not all families can send their children even to the grade school level. Only about 2 of 10 Filipino children can step into college.

Education is NOT for free and it is the inconvenient TRUTH.

That’s the reality on the face of this planet. There is a saying in the Philippines that "Hindi hadlang ang kahirapan para makatapos ng pagaaral" (Poverty is not a hindrance to finish education). This is no longer true and never had it become true in the eyes of the poor and the needy citizens. Many Filipinos cannot find better jobs because of lack of education. Most of them fly abroad to become Overseas Filipino Workers or OFW. Many become successful but many are also losers when they get back to their country. They go back home with broken families, degraded personality and ignorant towards spending their hard-earned money wisely.

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Education should be made affordable to all and it should be the role of the Philippine government to deliver it to the Filipino people. But with corruption and dirty politics always going on, I think it is time for some of us to move independently. We need to give free education to the Filipinos thru alternative means.

What is this FREE EDUCATION Project all About?
Nobody will benefit from this project but only the Filipinos who can’t afford the price of Philippine education. The funds will 100% pass to one hand and will be transferred immediately to the program of teaching, instructing, coaching, feeding and training for the purpose of delivering education.

The concept behind this project is based from the free of charge online repository of educational content collection, Connexions ( The primary objective of this program is simple: share to the out-of-school people the materials available from open source websites like Connexions, Wikipedia, HowStuffWorks, eHow, and thousands of other websites over the internet. Educational curriculum will be created base on a 30-days Instructional Program System.

The ultimate goal is to teach street children, children living in the mountains, youths who only managed to graduate from highschool, and young people who cannot anymore continue into the college level. The reason for using the 30-days program is in order to convince these young people to participate on the project without having too much of difficulty - specifically the long study period.

The culture of the Filipinos when it comes to studying in the past 50 years is very different from other nations. You will always hear children saying “I would rather find a job so that I can feed my aching stomach” or “I need to help my family today instead of wasting my time on school”. With this 30-days education curriculum, learning would be fast but highly effective. They can start looking for jobs that will sooner or later help them earn money that can be used to start a better living or apply for a more decent job.

What education curriculum will fit on 30-days Instructional Program System?
Specifically, lessons that will teach qualified students on how to use the modern technologies, how to enhance the basic skills needed in order to adapt with the city and urban lifestyle, and techniques and strategies that will help them in quickly getting a job appropriate for them. The educational curriculum will be divided into the following three groups:

Highschool Age Levels (13 – 16):
- Learning the English Language
- Writing Properly
- Speaking Properly (English and Filipino)
- Using the Computer
- Developing Skills and Personality

College Age Levels (17 – 21):
- Mastering English Communication
- Exploring More the Computer’s Capability
- Effective Communication Skills
- Training for the Job
- Learning and Applying the Techniques on Engaging with the Corporate World

Open Age Level (22 – above):

- Effective Communication Skills
- Learning the Cultures of Foreign Employers
- Preparing for a Business Endeavor
- Saving for the Future
- Protecting Your Rights and Freedom as a Worker/Entrepreneur

How will this 30-days Instructional Program System be executed effectively?
There are several key steps in launching this program and they are as follows:

1. Collecting the Materials and Resources.
This is the project startup activity. This is where initial funding is needed. We will start with creating and finalizing the course outlines, presentations, handouts and training materials. Every participant of each group will approximately need 40 to 50 pages of reading materials during this 30-days education program. These reading materials will be a combination of 80% lessons, 10% exercises, and 10% of other useful references. Computers are also needed.

A target ratio of 1 computer is to 10 students will be targeted. These computers will be rented from friends, neighbors, workmates, and other possible project supporters. The teachers or instructors will also be selected. The mode of paying these teachers would be like an incentive program teaching job.

A campaign encouraging teacher volunteers will also be launched months before the official project launching. Since the target areas for this project would be around 20 provinces and 10 cities, a total of at least 60 teacher volunteers will be gathered.

2. Establishing the Training Camps.
A well-planned coordination with local schools, barangay officials and friends from the selected provinces and cities will be done. Classrooms will be rented but the main objective is to find charge-free buildings that will serve as the training camps.

In the Philippines, there are chapels, barangay halls, and basketball gymnasiums that are shared to the public. But funds will still be allocated for the classroom rentals although the main concern is to save these funds. These classrooms will be prepared physically and in accordance with the allowed schedules of the owners in order to avoid delays and interruptions of the entire program. The teaching schedule would be from 9am up to 4pm.

3. Selecting the FREE EDUCATION Program Participants.
This is one of the most challenging parts of the program. Series of interviews, surveys and background checks will be conducted on each of target area. A total of 30 participants for each training camp will be the focus of the team to select. The basic qualifications of this selection process are as follows:

- The candidate either stop studying or completely was not able to attend school
- The age bracket will be a very strict requirement
- Must be literate or at least knows how to read and write
- Has parental or guardian consent
- Will pass the basic qualification test

All of these efforts will be coordinated with the national education department and the local government as a way to comply with all the rules of law on voluntary learning programs.

4. Securing the Learning Objective.
Not every children and out-of-school people will volunteer and participate to this free education program. As mentioned earlier, they would rather choose not to join because they much prefer looking for sources of foods, money and shelter.

This project is aimed to be funded because it needs money to feed the participants from the very start up to the end. That is what we meant with securing the learning objective. We need to encourage these people to become particpants by explaining to them that there are water, foods and enjoyment waiting for them in this 30-days education program. Each participant will be entitled to about $1 to $2 each session day. There will be merienda, lunch and afternoon snack. There will be coffee and water for anyone who’ll becomes thirsty. The classrooms will be organized in a friendly, engaging and worry-free setup. The day will start good and it will also end good.

5. Establishing Partnership with Local Employers for Possible Job Opportunities.
Even before the program is launch, there will surely be questions, concerns and criticisms. Will that education program be effective? Would I get a job after that? I am interested, what if I will not be chosen. There will be many clarifications.

The mission of the program is simple and as earlier stated, there will be a test and set of criteria in selecting the participants. We will stick with that rule. Moreover, we will keep everything confidential (if not too secretive) as much as possible. A campaign for a change needs not to be damaged or be blended with politics, religion or culture disparity. A simple coordination to government will be made and no more. They will agree for sure.

The next process is to talk with several companies located on the areas where the training camps will be established. There is no guarantee that they will find jobs right away but what this program can guarantee is that these participants will learn a lot of things that will be very beneficial to them 2 to 3 months after they finish the program.

As an analogy, a person who now knows how to write good resume or speak English fluently has a greater chance of getting hired even as a dicer on a grocery store. A person who has the basic knowledge in using the computer can apply for a clerical position in the government offices. This is the way we will give them hope on getting future jobs, if not by directly asking companies to hire them.

6. Reporting the Statistics.
The 30-days education program is not necessarily a straight 30 days schedule. It will be like 2 – 3 months. Each week, there will be a progress report to be sent to the backers, sponsors and supporters of this project. There will be photos, videos and examination results that are to be posted on the project website. The money spent each week will be posted with receipts as much as possible. The time spent of every teacher and organizer will be reported. Complains, concerns and questions will be placed in the website for a possible resolution discussion among project supporters.

This education program will not become, in whatever way, an instrument for doing bad things. The objective is to help Filipino children and out-of-school people to learn and we will stick with that from the start until the end of the project.

Who am I and why I want this project to happen?

Support My FREE EDUCATION Initiative - Donate Now

I am a Filipino and I am Passionate About Bringing Back the Beauty of my Country thru Education - with at Least

This FREE EDUCATION project will be organized by me, Noriel Panganiban. I am the founder of This is actually one of my most coveted missions ever since I established this website. That someday, I can also have a Project Noriel Foundation.

Reports will be posted on my website, blog sites and social networking sites. If there will be direct benefits of this program into these sites, then that would only be the promotion of these sites. I will make it sure that funds will be spent wisely, transparently and honestly to this FREE EDUCATION program.

Why that Much?
I am encouraging you to support this program. This is about lifting the Filipino nation from illiteracy, ignorance, poverty and hopelessness. You can pledge $1 or the equivalent amount on your currency. Below is the target funding that needs to be collected in order for this project to commence.

To Earn a Living, A Filipino Will Do Whatever He Can - Despite Lack of Education - They Need Your HELP

Materials and Resources - $2000
This includes the handouts, chalk, pens, papers, classroom rental, PC rental, car gasoline, transportation fee, t-shirts for participant and teachers, and other teaching-related items.

Program Launching, Campaigns and Participant Qualification - $1000
This includes expenses that will cover weekly meetings, worth of loads for mobile communication (text and call), and for the internet marketing efforts.

Foods and Allowances of Teachers and Participants - $5000
Having 20 provinces and 10 cities, there will be a total of 30 areas to where this program will be launched. Each area will have 30 participants and 2 teachers. That will be a total of 960 people. We will make a way for this $5000 to be exact for the food and allowances during the entire program.

Awards, Graduation and Closing Expenses - $2000
Simple tokens and certificates will be given away to the teachers and participants. They will also be given take home training materials which will help them in improving more their knowledge and skills before or while applying for the job.

Long Term Objective of the Program
This is going to be a continuous program. All successful students will become the teachers for others. They will be given simple assignments like weekend teaching services on their localities and they will report the progress of these assignments to the project organizer and then to the project website. It would be like a 10-days assignment of giving back to the community what they’ve learned from the FREE EDUCATION program.

"Kalakal Boys" are Everywhere in the Philippines - Care to Help Them - They Need Your HELP

The success of this project will be measured in terms of the number of participants who will get their jobs 3 months after the program. The progress of their 10-days assignment will also be tracked and reported. Additionally, community services involving these participants will be held 2 times along the course of the program. With that, their own localities will also benefit from what they’ve learned in the program.

Why your support matters?
Please support this FREE EDUCATION Program. It is great to see the Philippines having no street kids and jobless citizens because of ignorance. Helping this nation to recover from poverty and other social issues due to lack of education some few years from now would be your success too.

Saving a Kid a Day Will Make a Big Difference 1 Year from Now - They Need Your HELP

You will not lose anything here. You can become an employer of talented and educated Filipinos or you can invest in the Philippines where everyone is smart about business matters.Who knows? What you’ve donated or pledge will surely come back to you. Backers of this program will be entitled to the following tokens of appreciation.

US$1 – You will receive a thank you email and your name will posted in the project website.

US$10 – You will receive a printed Letter of Appreciation and your name will be posted on the website too.

US$25 – Letter of Appreciation in a frame will be delivered to your home. Your name will also appear on the website.

US$100 – You’ll get a t-shirt, Letter of Appreciation and your SNS profile and even business profile, including the links, will appear on the project website for 6 months.

US$500 – A 1000 words promotional article will be written for your company, business or personal life and that will be posted on the project website. Plus, it will be included also on the future marketing promotions of the project website. You’ll also get all the stuffs other backers will get.

Above US$500 - Please discuss your objective with me because you have a very kind heart.

Ready to support this FREE EDUCATION project?

Here are the accounts where you can deposit your donation/pledge.

BPI Account: 8499-0542-55

Paypal Account Name:

You can also donate here.

Important: Please email me on the day you send your money in order to register your name on the project backer's list.

A Very Big Thanks to You
Thank you for your time in reading my project story. See you on the official launching of this project when the target funds are met in time. If fundraising will be a success, the project will be launched on April 2014 (this did NOT happen).

The Filipino People Needs Your Help - They Need Your HELP

About this Project
Please contact me at if you are interested in funding this project or if you have any question. I will give you the details of my PayPal or local bank accounts if you're ready to donate or pledge. Also visit my website at for you to be able to know a little bit more of my background, personal business objectives and missions for the Philippines.

More details of this fundraising project will be posted on this blog site soon. Please stay updated by registering your email into this blogsite for future blog posts.


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