Hello mga ka-Pinas!
Here is my first vlog which I am excited to share here in Project Pilipinas. In this vlog, me and my wife are planting together in our mini farm garden.
It was a great day, with the weather in our side, a little bit cloudy and the soil wet due to an early day rain, we managed to plant about ten plants that day. It was exhausting to be honest. I mean like you start from soil digging, planting, and then putting fences on each plant - that's a whole lot of effort. But despite all the hard work, I think I could also say that the activity is very fulfilling. We are happy and tired at the same time.
Well, here is that one-big-day planting for the economy activity. Hope you will enjoy, learn and share it.
So yes, as a start, we have the lemon, avocado, rambutan, dates and African tulip trees now living in our farm garden. Yehey!
And of course, here are more photos to complete everything about our tree planting activity at "JN FarmGarden". Yes, "JN FarmGarden" will be the name of it. We have lots of plans for this farm lot. And that is what's going to be the contents of my vlog over the coming weeks, months and years.
About Project Pilipinas
Project Pilipinas has been there since 2011! That means we are already one decade sharing stories, realities and solutions to all the Filipinos here in the Philippines and abroad. The author or blogger, Noriel Panganiban, is very much aware of the facts about being a Filipino living in this beautiful yet vulnerable country the Philippines. This is what sparks in him to write eye-opening blog posts revealing the good, the bad and everything in between. The main intention is to create awareness. But the most important thing is the goal of helping the Filipinos survive the battle of life in the country. Here, you will not only learn, you will also be advised of the right thing to do in life, as a Filipino or as human being of any race. Noriel is also the author of Knowriel.org, a free learning portal for all.
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